Career Services

Eligibility, Rules, and Requirements


  1. Time—Students must be a United States citizen/permanent resident, on an F-1 student visa, or on another temporary visa that provides work authorization, and have completed one full academic year per official U.S. regulations. 一个学年包括两个全日制学期. 一年要求的例外情况可以根据许多因素而有所不同,包括第二学位, return from Optional Practical Training (OPT), reinstatement, and many more. Due to the varying number of factors, please meet with an Office of Global Services adviser regarding your individual case.
  2. Grade-Point Average-学生必须保持良好的学术状况才能申请实习,并持续保持良好的学术状况才能继续实习.*
    • Undergraduates students: 2.25 grade-point average or above
    • Graduate and doctoral students: 3.0 GPA or above
  3. Handshake—注册一个具有更新的个人资料和最近的薪金记录的Handshake帐户

*学术资格在每学期结束时对寻求下学期实习/合作的学生进行检查.  Petitions to academic eligibility can be made with academic affairs

Rules and Requirements

  1. Offer Letter—实习是针对雇主的,因此学生在申请之前需要一封录取信. 当学生决定接受一份工作并向雇主表明自己的意愿时, 他们不应该再为这个学期寻找更多的工作选择了. Reneging an acceptance on an offer is not only unprofessional, 但这也违反了在线合作社和实习申请表中列出的条款. However, 如果学生认为工作不代表录取信中概述的内容, non-relevant to their field of study, or is treated unethically/unfairly, 学生必须立即联系体验式学习办公室,并可能被免除与当前雇主继续合作. 如果是全职工作,学生每学期只能为一个雇主工作.
  2. Academic Relevance—职位描述和实习期间完成的工作必须与学生目前的学习领域和学位水平直接相关. 随着学生学习的进展,作业的复杂性和/或广度应该增加. The academic adviser, the Experiential Learning Office, 全球服务办公室的顾问将根据录取通知书和申请验证学术相关性.
  3. Employer-Specific—Internships are linked to a single employer per term. Therefore, students must provide the employer’s name, employer’s address, and the start and end dates.
  4. Time Permitted—一旦学生符合条件,可以在任何学期进行全日制实习. 参加全日制实习的研究生不能参加暑期课程. 学生将在所有课程完成后毕业,并通过考试获得就业威尼斯人平台 Optional Practical Training after graduation.
  5. Full-Time Status—学生必须在秋季和春季学期保持全日制状态. 实习提供的行政学分将计入全日制要求. 如果学生正在做全职实习,他们必须在秋季或春季学期至少注册一门额外的学术课程, and may take up to two academic courses if desired. 全日制是秋季和春季学期的强制性要求, and if doing a part-time internship, 学生必须用学术课程来弥补差额.
  6. Fee—目前申请实习是不收费的.
  7. Within the Term—Start and end dates must fall within the University Calendar and the Key Deadlines.
  8. Student Agreement—学生必须理解并同意学生协议的条款和条件, linked below, for co-ops and internships.
  9. Unpaid Internship or Co-Ops—Unpaid internships and co-ops 只有在特殊情况下才能通过体验式学习, such as working for a nonprofit organization. 学生应该了解他们作为实习生在《威尼斯人官网平台》下的权利,如果他们的实习或合作属于该法案规定的带薪工作,他们应该就薪酬进行谈判. 回顾美国劳工部的实习计划 The Fair Labor Standards Act.
  10. Loss or Changes in Employment-如果雇佣关系已被终止或工作细节已被雇主更改, 你需要通知体验式学习办公室(explearning@iit).edu) and the Office of Global Services ( within 10 days of the change.

Violation of Rules

不遵守规章制度,后果自负. 轻微违规通常会导致处理延迟,直到学生解决行政部门传达的问题. 在严重违规的情况下,体验式学习办公室保留无限期取消学生的合作和实习特权的权利.

Examples of violations:

  • 学生接受公司offer,提交体验式学习 forms, and then accepts an offer at another company—这种不专业的行为是违反规则的. Students are a representation of the university and, therefore, 在接受offer和申请体验式学习时,是否应该尊重大学和雇主的时间.
  • 学生接受了一个与他们专业无关的公司的职位这是违反规定的,因为体验式学习实习是可以提高和补充学生学术课程的工作威尼斯人平台. 在考虑实习时,学术相关性是最重要的因素.
  • 学生在学期内停止在雇主单位工作,但未通知体验学习办公室这是违反规定的,因为学生应该在整个学期都在他们的合作社和实习岗位上工作. If a student is no longer being assigned work, 或者他们认为他们的工作量与他们的学术课程不再相关, 他们必须立即联系体验式学习办公室. Failure to do so may result in termination of EL Placement, loss of registration, and loss of EL privileges indefinitely.